Thursday, 9 April 2009

The Cat Sat on the Mat

That's where we start, with school, with words. The alphabet... i used to wander around school singing it in tunes: Star Wars... AB - CDEFG - HIJKL - MNOP... The Pink Panther... AB - CD - EFGHIJKLMN - OPQRST... Oh yeah, that's getting trotted out in the speech my best man's concocting, no doubt. So maybe I was the crazy kid who loved words and wandered around in his own little world, and maybe I still am. If so, I'm learning to make links with the real world, because some of the most interesting shit is when one of my little tangents makes somebody stop in their tracks a moment because it reminds them of the view from their world. I'm gonna set down some of them there tangents, flights, trains and musings, and it starts here.

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