Monday, 23 January 2012

An Excellent Vector

I think maybe the shape of what you're doing only really emerges in the wake of you actually doing it. And I think that's maybe my problem. I want these fantastic, fully-formed ideas from the outset, and I'm often not prepared to get going until I have them. Which means I don't get going at all. It's no coincidence that my best work has been put together under the pressure of a timer or deadline of some sort (as with every single one of the pieces on the right).

Similarly, since this blog kind of started being a travel blog and then petered out, I've been waiting for inspiration as to direction before continuing it. And it's not come, so I haven't. So, I think what I'll do is just write. Some of it may be rubbish. But it will be something. Some direction, some momentum. And once there's that, maybe I can think about reinventing or focusing, or rebranding, or whatever.

So in random unrelated news, I did get another story published; I think I mentiond it on facebook at the time, but not on here. It's an odd one, a little Calvino or Borges:

So anyway, here's to a productive direction and momentum; an excellent vector.

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